Friday, 22 January 2010


I updated my sources tablee. I put all the destinations in it and then all my pictures from my London presentation. And then i had to explain it all and answer the questions.

Friday, 15 January 2010


I've finished my Leaflet, although it's not very colourful.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Continued project.

I have done my trip list and sorted out my destintaioon so there are only three destintations per category. I then had to work out cost for drivers and the waiting time etc. I then had to come up with an overall cost and how much each student needs to pay to go on this trip. I practised my skills on an already made template and learnt new skills such as absolute cell reference and VLookup. I had to use alot of skills to get to my final spreadsheet which sorts out all costs and destinations.